How it all started...
A brief history of the Church Family
The following early history is copied from the 1938 Centennial Observance Bulletin
The Morganfield Christian Church had its beginning during the autumn of the year 1838. A group of faithful hearts, under the leadership and ministry of Elder Graham, from the state of Illinois, met at the home of Isham and Ellen Sellers, located on what is now known as West Main Street, property which afterwards became one of the Hon. Jessie Taylor. On October 22, 1838, the organization of the Morganfield Christian Church was completed with the following Charter members:
Isham L. and Ellen Sellers
George and Polly Ann Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson
Lucy Blackwell
Jane Blackwell
Hanna Blackwell
Sophia Blackwell
Judith Blackwell
Jane Hopgood
Hanna Hopgood
Elizabeth Hopgood
Matilda Hopgood
Mary Jane Catlett
Of these, seven had been baptized on October 12, 1838. Five were baptized on October 16, 1838 and the others transferred their membership by letter or otherwise. This little congregation continued to meet at the home of Isham Sellers.
Grant Blackwell and William Robertson were selected by the congregation as bishops, or elders and George Sellers as a deacon. Later Isham Sellers was selected as an elder. By 1841 the congregation had increased to about 30 members. Isham Sellers moved from Morganfield and the congregation met at the home of Daniel Hopgood where it continued to worship and carry on its work.
In or about the years of 1844-46, the membership had so increased that it was decided there was a need for a dedicated house of worship. A lot was secured from the city of Morganfield, deeded but not recorded, in about 1846. The lot was located on the NE corner of the intersection of Spring and O’Bannon Streets. A small 26 X 40 foot frame building was erected and the Church held its services here until 1894. Elder Graham continued to minister in this first Church building. Ministers who followed were: Oliver Collins, C.C. Dimmitt, elder T.D. Moore, and elder Black. Elder Moore preached for the Church during the year 1878. For a period prior to 1878, the congregation was without a preacher.
It was on the first day of September, 1876 that Brother James Handy from Tennessee began the first Revival for the little Church. His first few sermon topics were: (1) The Future Judgment, (2) The Confession, (3) The Law of Pardon, (4) Repentance, (5) The Six States of Man, (6) Work of the Spirit, (7) The Gospel, and (8) The Name.
In the year, 1893, on or about March 28, and during the ministry of Brother James Vernon, a meeting was called by Brother Vernon for the purpose of considering the necessity and advisability of erecting a new meeting house and home for the brotherhood of the Morganfield Christian Church. At that meeting, Brothers J.W. Lee, James T. Clark, D.T. Hopgood, and Sisters Douglas Hatfield and Ellen Given were appointed as a committee to select a site for the new Church building. At the same meeting, a financial committee was appointed for the purpose of raising the money to construct the building. This committee consisted of Mrs. Buckner, Allie Hopgood, Mrs. George Dusold, Lena Clements, Ann D. Waller, Mary Cargile, and Mrs. J.C.W. Houston together with Brothers D.T. Hopgood, George Dusold, A.W. Clements, and John Daniel Hopgood. In April of 1893, these committees reported, and the present site was selected and the lot was purchased. The financial committee reported that it had raised the money for the construction of the building. New trustees were appointed to receive the conveyance of the land; Brothers J.T. Clark, D.T. Hopgood, and J.C.D. Hopgood. The new building was completed and dedicated with proper and fitting ceremonies on May 5, 1894.
After Brother James Vernon had finished his ministry, Brother Gibson was called and served until his death two years later. Ministers that followed were; Brother McGuffey, Richard Omer, Roger Clark, J.W. Rogers, J.W. Briney, Brother Gordon, Brother Rowe, J.F. Story, George Lawrence, Charles Ruggles, H.A. McDonald, J.W. Ligon, T.T. Roberts, Louis A. Warren, Charles G. Roe, W.R. Cady, H.B. Self, Marion Hart, Don Walker, P.R. Campbell, Grady Spiegel, and present minister, William Woodburn, October 1938.
Ellen Warren, wife of Louis A. Warren, was ordained to the ministry on June 17, 1923, while her husband was pastor at Morganfield Christian. Ellen Warren was the first and only woman ever ordained to the ministry in this church, and she was the first women in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to earn the B.D. Degree from the College of the Bible in Lexington, Kentucky.
The following officers of the Church served on the Official Board from the dedication (May 5, 1894) to their deaths; Brothers J.W. Lee, James Davis, D.T. Hopgood, John Daniel Hopgood, Dock Hopgood, George Hopgood, J.D.C. Hopgood, Phil Richards, Sr., John Sugg, Sr., J.N. Robertson, Capt. John Wall, A.W. Clements, C.H. Omer, O. O’Nan, and M.F. Mart. Brother Wall was Union County Court Clerk for many years. B.N. Hart was a dean ?
Active elders deserving mention are Bob Crabtree, Elmo Crabtree, R.T. Whittinghill, and Thomas Daty.
The Morganfield Christian Church for a number of years supported Mr. Madsen as a missionary to China. This congregation contributed Capt John Wall to the army of the North, and Robert Lynn to the army of the Southern Confederacy. Those serving in World War 1 were: Phil E. Richards, Brady Skinner, Earl C. Clements, Wardie Berry, Maxwell Berry, Talbott Berry, and Frank Irvin.
The Church organist is Miss Justine Lynn and the pianist for Sunday School is Miss Helen Jones.
Membership of the congregation is 129. Membership of the Sunday School is 140.
Worthy of mention: The Bee Hive Class was organized about thirty years ago by G.T. Berry. It has sponsored many activities such as paying for the Art Glass Windows, sending delegates to Young People’s Conferences, and purchasing the little piano. For a number of years their Animal Bazaar was their chief interest.
The Ladies Aid sponsored the March Dinner so long that it became famous in this section. That was when the first Monday in March was the “Big Day” in Morganfield. The Ladies Aid bought the Church carpet, a heater for the parsonage, had the Church painted, paid on the parsonage and secured the building of the parking space in front of the Church.
The Sunday School donates regularly to the Orphan’s Home through its Fifth Sunday and birthday offerings, and by sending large quantities of eggs and fruits.
During the past two years the Church has been very active. The auditorium and the basement have been redecorated. The Sunday School and the Church attendance has steadily increased, and once more have a full time ministry under Brother Woodburn for the first time since the disastrous depression of nineteen twenty nine. Each year the Church and Missionary Societies have given more than a hundred dollars to the great missionary causes of our Brotherhood. The Church is celebrating its Centennial with no indebtedness.
Mrs. America Hart has been a faithful worker in various departments of the Church work longer than any one now living, and she still attends the morning services.
It is now October 25, 2009; seventy one years since the 1938 centennial.
Margarette Oglesby is now our oldest member. Margarette transferred her membership from Walnut Grove Church of Christ, to Morganfield Christian Church in October of 1933. Margarette’s sister Allegra Luckett and brother Foeman Shelton also joined the Church in 1933.
Wilma McCuiston was elected the first women Elder at Morganfield Christian Church in 1981. Rev Russell R. (Rusty) Rechenbach was pastor. Rusty presented the case for electing the first women Elder at Morganfield Christian Church. Wilma was certainly qualified and willing to serve. Joyce Ray was elected Elder in 1982.
The Church celebrated a Sesquicentennial (150 years) on October 23, 1988. Rev. Randy Brown was pastor. At that time there were 115 members on the roll with 107 active, participating. Average worship attendance was 77 and average Sunday school attendance was 50.
On May 1, 1994 we celebrated 100 years of worship in this sanctuary. Rev. Allen Whitehurst was pastor. 1894 period costumes were worn by many church members.
After Rev Whitehurst left in 1996, interim ministers, Larry McWilliams and Gary Turner served until Rev. Keith Ferguson was called in 1996. Rev Ferguson was asked to resign in December of 1998. Rev. Gary Turner was again called as interim. Rev Turner was called full time in March of 1999.
On December 9, 2001 at a special called congregational meeting, the congregation voted 50-15 to sever our affiliation with the “Disciples of Christ” denomination. From this date forward we would be known as Morganfield Christian Church, not affiliated with any denomination. At that time our total membership was 107 with 79 active participating. Average attendance at worship was 75 and Sunday School was 45. Charles Cameron was our youth pastor.
On October 25, 2009, we celebrated 171 years as Morganfield Christian Church. Church membership was 109 members with 81 active. There are also about 12 active non-members. Average attendance at worship is 90 and Sunday School is 50. Gary Turner is serving his tenth year as our pastor. Wayne Duke and Connie Lamb are Youth Leaders. Brad Howton is Chairman of the Church Board. Elders are : Becky and Larry Adamson, Tommy Carr, Sam McLeod, Joyce Ray, and Joe Sprague.
January 2013, Elders meet with Bro Gary Turners to discuss concerns with his future ministry at MCC.
February 3, 2013, Rev Gary Turner resigned, and the Church is in the process of seeking a pastor. Dave Lloyd, Jeff McMain and Jerry Borders have provided pulpit supply. Resident church membership is 70 with 44 active and 26 inactive members. There are about 6 active non-members. Average worship attendance is 45 and Sunday School is 35.
October 20, 2013, Morganfield Christian Church celebrated 175th anniversary.
November 2013, Jerry Borders called to be full time interim preacher at $500.00 per week. Jerry began this ministry by taking on landscaping the church grounds, fixing meal for Wednesday evening youth and adults, and teaching adult bible study class. Church enthusiasm has increased noticeably.
January 2014, Christa Duke and Zachary Duke agreed to lead the Wednesday night youth group for $50 each, each week.
October 2014, Jerry Borders installed as full time pastor, salary $700.00/ week. Salary raised to $725.00 per week in 2016.
July 2015, Nolan Reynolds hired as older youth minister for Wednesday evening, Middle school Sunday school class, and children church leader at $200 per week. Raised to $325 in October, doing Thursday night Whispering Meadows youth meeting. Christa Duke younger youth. Zackary Duke chose to drop out.
January 2016, Christa Duke pay raised to $300.00 per month from $50.00 per week.
March 18,2016, Allegra Luckett passed away. May 16, 2016 , Margret Oglesby passed away,leaving church two houses and furnishings. September 27, 2016 , Hazel McCuiston, passed away, leaving church 25% of her estate. February 1, 2017 , Lorene Bennet passed away, leaving Church $5000.00.
May 2017, Jerry Borders announced plans to retire December 2, 2017. Wife Mary needs medical attention.
The following early history is copied from the 1938 Centennial Observance Bulletin
The Morganfield Christian Church had its beginning during the autumn of the year 1838. A group of faithful hearts, under the leadership and ministry of Elder Graham, from the state of Illinois, met at the home of Isham and Ellen Sellers, located on what is now known as West Main Street, property which afterwards became one of the Hon. Jessie Taylor. On October 22, 1838, the organization of the Morganfield Christian Church was completed with the following Charter members:
Isham L. and Ellen Sellers
George and Polly Ann Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Blackwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson
Lucy Blackwell
Jane Blackwell
Hanna Blackwell
Sophia Blackwell
Judith Blackwell
Jane Hopgood
Hanna Hopgood
Elizabeth Hopgood
Matilda Hopgood
Mary Jane Catlett
Of these, seven had been baptized on October 12, 1838. Five were baptized on October 16, 1838 and the others transferred their membership by letter or otherwise. This little congregation continued to meet at the home of Isham Sellers.
Grant Blackwell and William Robertson were selected by the congregation as bishops, or elders and George Sellers as a deacon. Later Isham Sellers was selected as an elder. By 1841 the congregation had increased to about 30 members. Isham Sellers moved from Morganfield and the congregation met at the home of Daniel Hopgood where it continued to worship and carry on its work.
In or about the years of 1844-46, the membership had so increased that it was decided there was a need for a dedicated house of worship. A lot was secured from the city of Morganfield, deeded but not recorded, in about 1846. The lot was located on the NE corner of the intersection of Spring and O’Bannon Streets. A small 26 X 40 foot frame building was erected and the Church held its services here until 1894. Elder Graham continued to minister in this first Church building. Ministers who followed were: Oliver Collins, C.C. Dimmitt, elder T.D. Moore, and elder Black. Elder Moore preached for the Church during the year 1878. For a period prior to 1878, the congregation was without a preacher.
It was on the first day of September, 1876 that Brother James Handy from Tennessee began the first Revival for the little Church. His first few sermon topics were: (1) The Future Judgment, (2) The Confession, (3) The Law of Pardon, (4) Repentance, (5) The Six States of Man, (6) Work of the Spirit, (7) The Gospel, and (8) The Name.
In the year, 1893, on or about March 28, and during the ministry of Brother James Vernon, a meeting was called by Brother Vernon for the purpose of considering the necessity and advisability of erecting a new meeting house and home for the brotherhood of the Morganfield Christian Church. At that meeting, Brothers J.W. Lee, James T. Clark, D.T. Hopgood, and Sisters Douglas Hatfield and Ellen Given were appointed as a committee to select a site for the new Church building. At the same meeting, a financial committee was appointed for the purpose of raising the money to construct the building. This committee consisted of Mrs. Buckner, Allie Hopgood, Mrs. George Dusold, Lena Clements, Ann D. Waller, Mary Cargile, and Mrs. J.C.W. Houston together with Brothers D.T. Hopgood, George Dusold, A.W. Clements, and John Daniel Hopgood. In April of 1893, these committees reported, and the present site was selected and the lot was purchased. The financial committee reported that it had raised the money for the construction of the building. New trustees were appointed to receive the conveyance of the land; Brothers J.T. Clark, D.T. Hopgood, and J.C.D. Hopgood. The new building was completed and dedicated with proper and fitting ceremonies on May 5, 1894.
After Brother James Vernon had finished his ministry, Brother Gibson was called and served until his death two years later. Ministers that followed were; Brother McGuffey, Richard Omer, Roger Clark, J.W. Rogers, J.W. Briney, Brother Gordon, Brother Rowe, J.F. Story, George Lawrence, Charles Ruggles, H.A. McDonald, J.W. Ligon, T.T. Roberts, Louis A. Warren, Charles G. Roe, W.R. Cady, H.B. Self, Marion Hart, Don Walker, P.R. Campbell, Grady Spiegel, and present minister, William Woodburn, October 1938.
Ellen Warren, wife of Louis A. Warren, was ordained to the ministry on June 17, 1923, while her husband was pastor at Morganfield Christian. Ellen Warren was the first and only woman ever ordained to the ministry in this church, and she was the first women in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to earn the B.D. Degree from the College of the Bible in Lexington, Kentucky.
The following officers of the Church served on the Official Board from the dedication (May 5, 1894) to their deaths; Brothers J.W. Lee, James Davis, D.T. Hopgood, John Daniel Hopgood, Dock Hopgood, George Hopgood, J.D.C. Hopgood, Phil Richards, Sr., John Sugg, Sr., J.N. Robertson, Capt. John Wall, A.W. Clements, C.H. Omer, O. O’Nan, and M.F. Mart. Brother Wall was Union County Court Clerk for many years. B.N. Hart was a dean ?
Active elders deserving mention are Bob Crabtree, Elmo Crabtree, R.T. Whittinghill, and Thomas Daty.
The Morganfield Christian Church for a number of years supported Mr. Madsen as a missionary to China. This congregation contributed Capt John Wall to the army of the North, and Robert Lynn to the army of the Southern Confederacy. Those serving in World War 1 were: Phil E. Richards, Brady Skinner, Earl C. Clements, Wardie Berry, Maxwell Berry, Talbott Berry, and Frank Irvin.
The Church organist is Miss Justine Lynn and the pianist for Sunday School is Miss Helen Jones.
Membership of the congregation is 129. Membership of the Sunday School is 140.
Worthy of mention: The Bee Hive Class was organized about thirty years ago by G.T. Berry. It has sponsored many activities such as paying for the Art Glass Windows, sending delegates to Young People’s Conferences, and purchasing the little piano. For a number of years their Animal Bazaar was their chief interest.
The Ladies Aid sponsored the March Dinner so long that it became famous in this section. That was when the first Monday in March was the “Big Day” in Morganfield. The Ladies Aid bought the Church carpet, a heater for the parsonage, had the Church painted, paid on the parsonage and secured the building of the parking space in front of the Church.
The Sunday School donates regularly to the Orphan’s Home through its Fifth Sunday and birthday offerings, and by sending large quantities of eggs and fruits.
During the past two years the Church has been very active. The auditorium and the basement have been redecorated. The Sunday School and the Church attendance has steadily increased, and once more have a full time ministry under Brother Woodburn for the first time since the disastrous depression of nineteen twenty nine. Each year the Church and Missionary Societies have given more than a hundred dollars to the great missionary causes of our Brotherhood. The Church is celebrating its Centennial with no indebtedness.
Mrs. America Hart has been a faithful worker in various departments of the Church work longer than any one now living, and she still attends the morning services.
It is now October 25, 2009; seventy one years since the 1938 centennial.
Margarette Oglesby is now our oldest member. Margarette transferred her membership from Walnut Grove Church of Christ, to Morganfield Christian Church in October of 1933. Margarette’s sister Allegra Luckett and brother Foeman Shelton also joined the Church in 1933.
Wilma McCuiston was elected the first women Elder at Morganfield Christian Church in 1981. Rev Russell R. (Rusty) Rechenbach was pastor. Rusty presented the case for electing the first women Elder at Morganfield Christian Church. Wilma was certainly qualified and willing to serve. Joyce Ray was elected Elder in 1982.
The Church celebrated a Sesquicentennial (150 years) on October 23, 1988. Rev. Randy Brown was pastor. At that time there were 115 members on the roll with 107 active, participating. Average worship attendance was 77 and average Sunday school attendance was 50.
On May 1, 1994 we celebrated 100 years of worship in this sanctuary. Rev. Allen Whitehurst was pastor. 1894 period costumes were worn by many church members.
After Rev Whitehurst left in 1996, interim ministers, Larry McWilliams and Gary Turner served until Rev. Keith Ferguson was called in 1996. Rev Ferguson was asked to resign in December of 1998. Rev. Gary Turner was again called as interim. Rev Turner was called full time in March of 1999.
On December 9, 2001 at a special called congregational meeting, the congregation voted 50-15 to sever our affiliation with the “Disciples of Christ” denomination. From this date forward we would be known as Morganfield Christian Church, not affiliated with any denomination. At that time our total membership was 107 with 79 active participating. Average attendance at worship was 75 and Sunday School was 45. Charles Cameron was our youth pastor.
On October 25, 2009, we celebrated 171 years as Morganfield Christian Church. Church membership was 109 members with 81 active. There are also about 12 active non-members. Average attendance at worship is 90 and Sunday School is 50. Gary Turner is serving his tenth year as our pastor. Wayne Duke and Connie Lamb are Youth Leaders. Brad Howton is Chairman of the Church Board. Elders are : Becky and Larry Adamson, Tommy Carr, Sam McLeod, Joyce Ray, and Joe Sprague.
January 2013, Elders meet with Bro Gary Turners to discuss concerns with his future ministry at MCC.
February 3, 2013, Rev Gary Turner resigned, and the Church is in the process of seeking a pastor. Dave Lloyd, Jeff McMain and Jerry Borders have provided pulpit supply. Resident church membership is 70 with 44 active and 26 inactive members. There are about 6 active non-members. Average worship attendance is 45 and Sunday School is 35.
October 20, 2013, Morganfield Christian Church celebrated 175th anniversary.
November 2013, Jerry Borders called to be full time interim preacher at $500.00 per week. Jerry began this ministry by taking on landscaping the church grounds, fixing meal for Wednesday evening youth and adults, and teaching adult bible study class. Church enthusiasm has increased noticeably.
January 2014, Christa Duke and Zachary Duke agreed to lead the Wednesday night youth group for $50 each, each week.
October 2014, Jerry Borders installed as full time pastor, salary $700.00/ week. Salary raised to $725.00 per week in 2016.
July 2015, Nolan Reynolds hired as older youth minister for Wednesday evening, Middle school Sunday school class, and children church leader at $200 per week. Raised to $325 in October, doing Thursday night Whispering Meadows youth meeting. Christa Duke younger youth. Zackary Duke chose to drop out.
January 2016, Christa Duke pay raised to $300.00 per month from $50.00 per week.
March 18,2016, Allegra Luckett passed away. May 16, 2016 , Margret Oglesby passed away,leaving church two houses and furnishings. September 27, 2016 , Hazel McCuiston, passed away, leaving church 25% of her estate. February 1, 2017 , Lorene Bennet passed away, leaving Church $5000.00.
May 2017, Jerry Borders announced plans to retire December 2, 2017. Wife Mary needs medical attention.

Where we are headed...
June 2107, Nolan Reynolds interviewed for pastor position. Pulpit committee agreed to give Nolan a one month trial minister for the month of August. Pastor Borders given a one month vacation with pay, Nolan to keep office hours and preach 4 Sundays in August and continue with the older youth.
September 2017, Congregation voted to accept Nolan Reynolds as full time senior pastor at $40,000.00 per year salary, beginning December 3, 2017. Christa Duke moved up to minister of youth, older youth leader, director of younger youth and children church leader at $325.00 per week.
December 31, 2017; Resident Church membership is 96, 88 adults and 8 children. Of these 58 adults and 5 children are active. There are 34 adult visitor prospects, 17 are active.
Effective September 1, 2019, Our Youth Minister/Director, Christa Duke, resigned. Pastor Noland Reynolds has agreed to conduct the Wednesday evening older youth meeting while the Education committee is securing a Youth Minister for the older youth. Lindsey Schaffter has agreed to conduct the younger youth programs, preschool and pre high school, (with voluntary help) on Wednesday evenings. Russell Perkins has agreed to conduct the Wednesday evening Adult Bible Study until an Older Youth minister is secured.
October 1, 2019 Church Adult membership is 89, 67 active, and 3 homebound. There are 13 child members, below college age, of which 10 are active and 3. There are 29 prospective non-members with 19 active. Average Sunday morning worship attendance for first nine months of 2019 was 88.

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Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:45 am.